My Pole Faves!
In today's podcast, Steph is uncovering her FAVES! She is sharing her personal favourites in the pole world and what trends she is seeing in her studio. This includes, grip, knee pads, heels, polewear, online platform and other pole services she is loving.
Tune in to find out and don’t forget to share your faves too!
Is your pole dancing instructor holding you back?
Now, many of you might be wondering what this even means or how it plays out in the pole world. We are sure you can probably think of instructors who have been generous to you in your pole dancing journey. They give you extra tips, help you overcome your nemesis and are the ones you usually gravitate towards for your pole dancing classes. Now a not-so-generous pole dancing instructor, may hold back information, tips or tricks so you don’t become better than them. Now, why would anyone do this? Find out in this episode of Uncovered- For Pole Dancers.
I’m opening a pole dancing studio
Addictive Pole Fitness is opening a NEW pole dancing studio and we are going behind the scenes on the journey from decision to announcement. This covers how to make the decision, research your demographic and select the perfect space for your pole fitness studio.
Instructors answer YOUR questions- Part 2
Pole dancing instructors answer the most common question they are asked in the studio
How to Cross-Train for Pole Dancing
Learn how you can cross-train to get stronger and improve your pole dancing journey.