Cancellation Request Form
Please refer to your Membership Terms & Conditions for full details on cancelling your membership.
We understand that sometimes you need to take a break, or pole dancing is unfortunately no longer the right fit for you. As a small business, we ask members to make a small commitment of one (1) term at a time to help plan and offer great classes always. As per the Membership Terms & Conditions, the following applies to cancel a membership.
Recurring Membership
A Recurring Membership Term will continue to renew for an additional 10 week period, unless otherwise cancelled
The purchase of a Recurring Membership is non-refundable from the day of Booking.
You may terminate a Recurring Membership at the conclusion of an active Recurring Membership Term by submitting to Addictive Pole Fitness, a completed membership termination form prescribed by us, prior to the commencement of a renewed 10-week Recurring Membership Term.
If you terminate a Recurring Membership within 4 days of the conclusion of a Recurring Membership Term, you will automatically be charged a $40 late termination fee.
You will be charged the full rate of Fees for a Recurring Membership Term if you cancel after the commencement of a renewed 10-week Recurring Membership Term and you will not be entitled to a refund.
Pay In Full Membership
The purchase of a Pay In Full Membership is non-refundable from the first day of the Pay In Full Term.
Pay In Full Terms expire at the end of each term and you will need to purchase a new Pay In Full Membership by the end of the Pay In Full Term to continue as an active member.
Addictive Pole Fitness will assume the member has cancelled a Pay In Full Membership if no membership is purchased by the end of the Pay In Full Term.